1. How to manage a solar farm using physically informed machine learning (Adrien Ansaldi)
2. Viscoplastic container filling optimization via deep reinforcement learning (Manuela Barnoin)
3. Greenship: shape optimization and machine learning for container ship drag reduction (Alice Belliard)
4. Mechanical response of a coated bubble exposed to ultrasound pressure waves (Cléa Chamfort)
5. Optimization and characterization of vertical axis wind turbines for energy smart lighting systems (Cyril Courgneau)
6. CFD analysis and optimization of surfactant therapy for acute respiratory distress syndrome (Antoine Gilliet)
7. Modèle de ségrégation granulaire appliqué au design d’airbags pour skieurs (Gaspard Stérin)
8. Impact de gouttes de gels de décontamination pulvérisables (Tabea Thümmler-Kaiser)